Free Psychic Tarot Reading for Subscriber 206
Free Psychic Tarot Reading for Subscriber 206
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Today’s free psychic tarot reading is for subscriber 206, initials LM. She asks “am i going to lose my job and get fired?”
When I focus on the situation for you at work, I get the impression that morale hasn’t been that great recently and a lot of people are feeling or have been feeling like their jobs aren’t secure. This seems to be due to an issue on the company’s side of things. I find this interesting because the company seems to have done a bit recently to either reward those who perform well or to make their employees feel valued. It could be that they’ve rewarded the wrong people, or that the gestures they’ve made just haven’t been significant enough to put fears to rest.
Your recent performance seems good, it actually looks as if you’ve achieved something or had a noticeable success of some kind, and this should work in your favor. It could also be what is making you feel as though you set the bar quite high and have to keep performing at that level now, even though things are challenging.
There’s someone you’re not getting along with at work and this along with a glass ceiling feel like some of the biggest issues you’re dealing with work wise. The person in question feels like a male, younger or youngish, immature or temperamental, and quite difficult to work with. This personality or energy type seems to either go in one of two directions: Either they are highly competitive and demanding, seeing anyone else who is on the rise as a potential competitor, or they go the other way and become unreliable while making their colleagues bear the weight or consequences of their actions.
I’m not seeing you get fired from the potential outcomes you’re working with, bearing in mind that the future is fluid and potential changes based on what is happening in the present. As long as things stay on course, it actually looks like you’ll choose to move on to another job. This feels like a choice you make for yourself, because you’re in need of a new horizon and a chance to grow professionally. You have been stuck, so it’s understandable this along with the dynamic with your colleague would make you feel unsure.
It looks like it could be a while before you move on though, because where I see you fighting to get to the top is in the long term, and this happens after a period of either being held in the same position, or feeling like you’re not offered the opportunities you really deserve for advancement.
I feel you are highly likely to find a job in the long term (traditionally speaking this is usually 6 months to a year, but momentum does vary from situation to situation.) that rewards you better for the work you’re putting in, and one that will allow you to express your ideas more or take initiative more. So changes do seem to be ahead but it feels like it’s more on your terms than that of your employer.